Diabetes Doctor in Long Island, NY

Comprehensive Diabetes Care at Northeast Medical Practice


Northeast Medical Practice is an innovative lifestyle, weight loss, and aesthetic medicine practice located in Long Island, NY. 

Our all-inclusive diabetes care and management solutions aim to assist you in attaining enhanced well-being and an enriched quality of life.

Discover the benefits of choosing Northeast Medical Practice for your diabetes care needs.

Personalized Diabetes Treatment

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

At Northeast Medical Practice, we have expertise in treating both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Our personalized care plans are customized to meet your specific requirements, guaranteeing that you receive the highest quality care. 

Blood Sugar Management

Proper blood sugar management is crucial for individuals with diabetes. Our team utilizes advanced technology to monitor and maintain optimal blood sugar levels, helping you achieve better control over your condition. 

Achieve better blood sugar control with our expert guidance. Get in touch with Dr. Berger today!

Medication and Insulin Therapy

Dr. Berger will prescribe appropriate medications and manage your insulin therapy for optimal results. We realize that every patient has unique requirements, and we collaborate closely with you to ensure optimal results. If you are under the care of an endocrinologist, Dr. Berger will actively interact with your specialist to ensure proper continuity of care.  

Experience Complete Health and Beauty

Discover our full range of med spa, lifestyle medicine, and wellness services tailored to help you look and feel your best.

Weight Loss and Lifestyle Support

Nutrition Counseling

Our personalized nutrition counseling services include tailored meal plans and strategies for healthy eating. Improve your diet and experience the benefits of better blood sugar control. Dr. Berger also offers expertly formulated meal replacement products that can be used to create low calorie or very low calorie diet plans as needed. These products include shakes, bars, and soups that have been shown to control weight and chronic disease in multiple studies. They are only available through medical providers. 

Exercise and Physical Activity

We offer customized exercise programs and guidance for safe and effective workouts. With our support, you can boost your fitness levels, improve your overall health, and enhance your diabetes management. Boost your fitness levels and overall health with our support.

Through our lifestyle medicine and weight loss interventions, it may be possible to decrease or eliminate your diabetes medications. 

Comprehensive Care and Additional Services

Patient Education and Support

Our doctors are committed to empowering you with knowledge and understanding. By learning from our experienced physicians, you can become an active participant in your care and make informed decisions about your health. 

Making an Appointment with Northeast Medical Practice

Scheduling Your Visit

We offer convenient appointment options, including easy online booking and phone scheduling. Book your appointment today and take the first step towards better diabetes management.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

During your comprehensive evaluation and consultation, our experienced diabetes doctor will provide expert guidance and create a personalized care plan tailored to your needs. 

Begin your journey to better health with our personalized and compassionate care. Call us today at 516-604-3418.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you treat both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes?

Yes, we have expertise in the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and offer individualized care plans that are tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Will you help me create a personalized meal plan and exercise program?

Absolutely! Our nutrition counseling and exercise support services include personalized meal plans and customized exercise programs to help you achieve better blood sugar control and overall health. We also offer meal replacement products that can simplify your low calorie nutrition planning. 

How often will I need to visit the doctor for my diabetes care?

The frequency of your visits will depend on your individual needs and treatment plan. Our team will work closely with you to determine the best schedule for your ongoing care and monitoring.

Love the Way You Look

Regain your confidence and rediscover satisfaction with your appearance through our customized cosmetic solutions. Contact Northeast Medical Practice now to get started.

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