Hypertension Specialist in Long Island NY

Dr. Berger Will Help You Manage Your High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure affects over 100 million Americans. Without proper treatment and management, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and other life-threatening complications. But with the right medical care, hypertension can be well-controlled and the risks reduced.

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it’s crucial to find the right doctor who will go beyond just prescribing medication – a doctor who takes the time to understand your unique health history and goals to create a customized treatment plan.

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Dr. Berger and Northeast Medical Practice provide exactly that kind of thoughtful, patient-focused hypertension care.

Dr. Berger’s extensive experience and holistic approach means he looks at all aspects of your health, not just blood pressure readings. 

As an experienced physician with deep knowledge in preventive and chronic disease care, he stays up-to-date on the latest hypertension research and treatment methods. 

He will educate you on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors that can complement your treatment plan. Dr. Berger takes the time to truly understand your needs so he can create a customized program for you.

What’s more, Dr. Berger earned his MD degree with High Distinction in Clinical and Translational research. He has authored over 20 scientific publications, including a Sigma Xi Society Paper of the Year. 

Prior to becoming a physician, Dr. Berger served the State of Connecticut as an environmental and food safety chemist. He also taught nursing and PA students at Quinnipiac University for ten years. He brings this academic rigor and love of teaching to his clinical practice along with a sincere desire to forge personal relationships with patients. 

This allows him to provide the individualized care and partnership needed to manage such a serious condition. Patients trust Dr. Berger thanks to his clear communication, compassion, and dedication.

Remote Monitoring Allows Hypertension Control Between Appointments

Northeast Medical Practice can offer remote patient monitoring technology to conveniently communicate your real-time blood pressure measurements directly to Dr. Berger. 

Rather than sporadic in-office readings, this allows for continuous tracking so medications can be adjusted as needed. According to research, remote monitoring improves hypertension control by enabling earlier intervention when readings are abnormal. Patients partnering with Dr. Berger using this technology can have greater peace of mind between appointments. 

Better monitoring gives you and Dr. Berger the information needed to get your hypertension under control and reduce your risk for complications.

The experienced team at Northeast Medical Practice, led by Dr. Berger, is dedicated to supporting you throughout your treatment journey with individualized care and attention.

Take control of your health. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Berger today and take the first step towards getting your high blood pressure under control. Call (516) 604-3418 or book online now.

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Regain your confidence and rediscover satisfaction with your appearance through our customized cosmetic solutions. Contact Northeast Medical Practice now to get started.

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