Insomnia Doctor in Long Island NY

Experience Personalized Insomnia Treatment Solutions at Northeast Medical Practice


Get Help for Your Sleep Problems at Northeast Medical Practice

Trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep, or poor quality sleep.

If you regularly have difficulty sleeping and it’s negatively impacting your daytime energy, mood, or performance, we can help.

At Northeast Medical Practice, Dr. Berger takes a personalized, holistic approach to improving sleep.

He starts by understanding your unique situation and lifestyle. Then, he will work with you to make positive changes that set you up for better sleep. 

Some of the lifestyle changes we may recommend include:

  • Establishing a regular sleep-wake schedule
  • Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and screen time before bed  
  • Creating a relaxing pre-bed routine
  • Making your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet
  • Getting regular exercise (but not too close to bedtime)
  • Managing stress through relaxation techniques

We also screen for any underlying issues, like sleep disorders or mental health conditions, that could be interfering with sleep. If needed, we can refer you to a sleep specialist or psychologist for further evaluation and treatment.  

Our goal is to address the root causes of your sleep struggles through customized lifestyle changes, therapy, and the occasional use of sleep medication when absolutely necessary. With our help, you can get back to sleeping soundly and waking up refreshed.

Don’t let poor sleep sap your energy and vitality. Let our team at Northeast Medical Practice help you get the rest you need. Contact us today to start improving your sleep!

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