Sculptra Injections for Timeless and Effortless Grace

Sculptra Injections for a Stunning Transformation at Northeast Medical Practice


At Northeast Medical Practice, we understand your desire to achieve a more youthful, rejuvenated look without going under the knife. 

Dr. Berger specializes in Sculptra injections, a non-invasive alternative to surgery that utilizes your body’s natural collagen production for subtle yet long-lasting volume restoration and wrinkle reduction.

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Regain Lost Volume and Confidence the Natural Way

As we age, our skin loses volume, resulting in wrinkles, sagging and a less youthful appearance. Unlike injections like Botox or fillers that temporarily mask these signs, Sculptra stimulates your body’s natural collagen growth over weeks and months. 

The gradual yet noticeable restoration of fullness and smoothness gives you a rejuvenated appearance that feels organic and sustainable – allowing you to step back into the world with renewed self-confidence.

Restore Youthful Contour From the Inside Out

By stimulating your skin’s natural collagen production, Sculptra fills wrinkles and folds, lifts sagging skin and replenishes volume to hollow cheeks, thinning lips and other areas where volume has been lost. 

The results may be subtle yet transformative, giving you back a more rounded, youthful contour and texture without the risks and downtime of invasive surgical procedures.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable dermal filler made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), a biodegradable and biocompatible substance that helps stimulate collagen production in the skin. Sculptra is commonly used to treat facial wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss in various areas of the body.

How does Sculptra work?

Sculptra works by gradually stimulating collagen production, which helps to restore lost volume, fill in deep wrinkles and folds, and improve skin texture. As the PLLA particles are slowly absorbed by the body, they create a supportive framework for new collagen growth, leading to long-lasting, natural-looking results.

Benefits of Sculptra Injections

Facial Volume Restoration

Sculptra is an effective treatment for restoring facial volume lost due to aging or weight loss. It is particularly useful for filling nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and hollow cheeks, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Hair Restoration

Sculptra has also been used off-label for hair restoration, with many patients reporting improved hair growth and thickness after treatment.

Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Sculptra is becoming increasingly popular for non-surgical butt lifts, as it can help create a fuller, rounder appearance without the need for invasive surgery. The treatment involves injecting Sculptra into the buttocks to stimulate collagen production, which gradually adds volume and improves the overall shape.

Schedule a Consultation with the Experts at Northeast Medical Practice

Dr. Berger has years of experience helping patients achieve precisely the rejuvenated, renewed look they desire – without surgery. He will carefully examine your facial structure, skin type and lifestyle needs to create a customized Sculptra treatment plan that delivers natural-looking, long-lasting results.

Take the first step towards regaining a more youthful, confident appearance. Schedule your non-surgical rejuvenation consultation with Dr. Berger at Northeast Medical Practice today.

Love the Way You Look

Regain your confidence and rediscover satisfaction with your appearance through our customized cosmetic solutions. Contact Northeast Medical Practice now to get started.

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