Skin Care Products


The care of our skin can seem complicated and difficult to understand. There are so many products on the market, each touting their efficacy, that it can be very confusing for a patient to know what will work for them and what may not.

Dr Berger is an expert in the management of long-term skin health, as well as dermatologic diseases. He can develop a tailored skin care regimen that will help to keep your skin youthful, vibrant, and healthy.

We carry only brands that are vetted for their quality and effectiveness. For this reason, we only provide our patients with products that are solely distributed through physicians, such as Dr. Berger, or other health care providers.

Make an appointment with Dr. Berger to learn more about the high-grade skin care products that are available through Northeast Medical Practice. Dr. Berger can also treat a wide variety of dermatologic conditions such as rosacea, acne, age spots, and many others. To find out more about general skin health, please visit Dr. Berger’s blog or watch his videos on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Education of our patients is our top priority!

Love the Way You Look

Regain your confidence and rediscover satisfaction with your appearance through our customized cosmetic solutions. Contact Northeast Medical Practice now to get started.

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