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Achieve optimal health and wellness with personalized care at Northeast Medical Practice in Long Island, NY


Northeast Medical Practice – Well-Being Coach

Well-Being Coaching:

At Northeast Medical Practice, we are empowering your journey to physical health. Coaching is a vehicle for helping our patients to achieve a higher level of well-being and performance in life and work, particularly when change is hard. 

Well-being coaching is not limited to helping patients improve their diet and exercise. Health and wellness coaching addresses the whole person – what it means to thrive mentally and physically and how to leverage the biology of change. The coaching relationship is designed to facilitate sustainable change and optimize health and well-being. 

About Irina Berger, Well-Being Coach:

Irina is a Human Resources professional with more than 20 years in the human resources field. Throughout her career she has coached, developed and inspired thousands of people to maximize their performance and achieve their goals. Irina has a master’s degree in HR from Baruch College and multiple HR certifications from SHRM and HCI. Certified Health and well-being coach. 

What brings Patients to Coaching? 

Although patients come to coaching for their own unique reasons, 12 themes are commonly cited by patients when they make the decision to invest in working with a professional coach. 

  1. Quick fixes over – “I am done with quick fixes and want to make changes that last.”
  2. Precious asset. “I have decided that my well-being is my most precious asset and I am ready to invest for the long term. 
  3. Get off the fence – “I am fed up with sitting on a fence and want to commit to a wellness path.”
  4. Not about weight. “ I realize that it is about well being and not weight.” 
  5. Be the boss-“I want to be the boss of my health and wellness and quit delegating responsibility to others.”
  6. Health style-“I would like to develop my unique style of health rather than use one size fits all approaches.” 
  7. Mental game-“ I know what to do and now want to master the mental game, turning intention into reality.” 
  8. Peak performance – “ I recognize that to reach peak performance at home and work, I need peak wellness.” 
  9. Big picture/small steps. “ I know that an extreme makeover isn’t the answer, and I want to take small steps which are powerful.” 
  10. Confidence. “I am finished with self-doubt and want to build confidence in my ability to master wellness.” 
  11. Winning the wellness game. “I want to focus on winning the wellness game and not losing or quitting.”
  12. Close the gap. “I want to close the gap between where I am and where I want to be when it comes to my health and well-being.”

The process of coaching: 

  • Coaches and clients discuss a coaching contract so that the patient understands the coaching process and expectations for the role of coach and client. 
  • Before and during the first coaching session, the patient provides background information so that the coach is well informed on the priorities, key concerns and any medical conditions. 
  • During the first coaching session (which may occur in one longer session or over the course of several sessions), patient works toward creation of a vision, three-month plan and goals to move toward a vision. 
  • The vision and three-month goals are reviewed and agreed in detail. 
  • Reviewing progress, elevating energy, brainstorming strategies, meeting challenges, developing solutions, generating possibilities and agreeing on goals for the following week. 
  • 30-45 min sessions (first session is 60min)
  • Coaching sessions can be done face to face or by telephone or video conferencing. 
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Well-Being Coach