Kybella Injections: The Innovative Solution for Double Chin at Northeast Medical Practice

Non-Surgical Double Chin Reduction: Kybella Injections at Northeast Medical Practice


Are you tired of the persistent fullness under your chin? 

Wishing there was a non-surgical, quick solution to refine your jawline? 

Your solution is here, and it’s called Kybella injections. 

At Northeast Medical Practice, we offer in Kybella treatments, a revolutionary solution that can help you say goodbye to that stubborn double chin.

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Transform Your Look with Kybella Injections

Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment designed specifically to combat submental fullness, commonly known as a double chin. 

This innovative treatment uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a molecule naturally found in your body that helps break down and absorb dietary fat.

During your procedure, Dr. Berger will carefully inject Kybella into targeted areas under your chin. This destroys the fat cells, which your body naturally flushes out over time. 

The result? A more defined, youthful-looking jawline.

Why Choose Kybella Injections at Northeast Medical Practice?

Choosing Kybella injections at Northeast Medical Practice comes with several benefits:

  • Non-Surgical: Kybella is a great non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures like liposuction or facelifts.
  • Minimal Downtime: You can resume your normal activities immediately following the treatment.
  • Long-Lasting Results: Kybella permanently destroys fat cells, meaning they can’t regenerate. The results are here to stay.
  • Boosted Self-Confidence: Enhance your appearance and feel confident with your new look.

Is Kybella Right for You?

Kybella is an excellent treatment for individuals wanting to improve the appearance of their chin and jawline without resorting to surgery. Ideal candidates for Kybella are in good health, have a moderate to severe amount of submental fullness, and have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Dr. Berger at Northeast Medical Practice is ready to help you determine if Kybella is the right treatment for you.

FAQs About Kybella Injections

What makes Kybella injections effective for treating a double chin?

Kybella is an FDA-approved treatment that permanently destroys fat cells under the chin, reducing submental fullness and refining your jawline’s appearance.

How much do Kybella injections cost?

The cost of Kybella treatment varies depending on your needs. During your consultation, we’ll discuss the expected cost and create a personalized treatment plan that fits within your budget.

How long does it take to see results?

You can expect to see improvements within two to four weeks after your first session. For optimal results, it typically takes two to three months as your body naturally eliminates the destroyed fat cells.

Can men benefit from Kybella injections?

Absolutely! Kybella is an excellent treatment option for men seeking to reduce submental fullness and achieve a more defined jawline.

Can Kybella be combined with other procedures?

Yes, Kybella injections can be combined with other non-surgical treatments like dermal fillers, Botox, or laser procedures for enhanced cosmetic results.

Start Your Journey with Kybella Injections at Northeast Medical Practice

Ready to redefine your look? At Northeast Medical Practice, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Schedule a consultation with us today to find out if Kybella is the right solution for you. Let’s work together to create the confident, youthful appearance you deserve!

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